Choose your Tiny Telescope Model

Every application comes with specific requirements. We're happy to adapt a Tiny Telescope for your needs!





Tiny Telescope TT240-40

Introducing the Tiny Telescope TT240-40. With a focal length of 240mm and a clear aperture of 40mm in diameter, which makes it an f/6 telescope.

The fully corrected field of view is 3.7 degrees and the diffraction limited resolution is 2.9 arcseconds. This provides 4600 resolution elements over the diameter, so you can pair this telescope with e.g. a 12Mpixel detector with ~3 micrometer pixels.

The fused silica element has a mechanical diameter of 45mm and a length of 43mm and has a mass of 147 grams. With a back focal distance of 32.5mm, the total size up to the detector is only 75.5mm, so it fits in a 1 unit cubesat.


This Tiny Telescope can be mounted according to your specifications. A ruggedized mount according to military specifications? A mount that can meet launcher vibration and shock requirements? A light weight mount for in a drone? Added functionality to hold other components and functions?

Discuss your requirements and we’ll make sure you get the custom developed mounting for your application. We can qualify the assembly to the desired standards, at certified test labs. In the picture a 3D printed mount is featured to easily pair this device with several camera types. For prototype testing we paired the TT240-40 with several ZWO cameras.

TT240-40 Performance

The South Pole region of the Moon, as observed with the Tiny Telescope model TT240-40. We can observe the following features: Several craters around Mare Homorum (upper-left), Mare Nubium (top) and Crater Tycho (right). The craters are always most spectacular near the lunar terminator; the division between the illuminated and dark hemispheres of the Moon.

Based on test images, we can confirm that the optics is diffraction limited over the entire field of view. The depth of the Airy rings suggest excellent contrast levels, which can also be observed in this image of the Moon.


Tiny Telescope TT240-40 Tiny Telescope TT125-25
Focal Length [mm] 240 125
F/ratio [F/D] 6 5
Clear Aperture [mm] 40 25
Mechanical Diameter [mm] 45 30
Lens Length [mm] 43 18
Back Focal Distance [mm] 32.5 9
Total Length [mm] 75.5 27
Detector Size [mm x mm] 11 x 11 5.6 x 3.2
Detector Diagonal [mm] 15.6 6.4
Field of View [degrees] 3.7 2.8
Angular Resolution [arcsec @550nm] 2.9″ 4.7″
# Resolution Elements 4600 2200
Recommended Pixel Size [micrometer]
3 3
Mass [gram] 147 29
Additional Field Lens Yes No